CEYMH Boeckh Training Award

To support its training activities, the Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health (CEYMH) is offering special awards to help fund formal training in youth mental health. These funds are granted to individuals working in youth mental health and early intervention. This award celebrates the journey of honing skills, acquiring knowledge, and embracing new perspectives through dedicated training efforts in youth mental health. Examples include participating in workshops, attending national and international conferences, and training courses. One competition takes place each calendar year.
Maximum of $10,000 CAD for one year upon presentation of registration certificates and receipts*
Criteria for Selection
Candidates eligible for the CEYMH Training Award are clinical and research professionals including those with lived experience of mental health who undertake clinical and research duties in the Montreal West-Island IUHSSC. Current undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate students are not eligible. Nominees for this award have demonstrated:
  1. Commitment to growth: Awardees have exhibited a consistent drive to evolve and grow in the field of youth mental health and early intervention. They understand that learning is an ongoing process and have invested substantial time and effort into expanding their expertise to ensure young people receive the highest quality of care.
  2. Application of knowledge: Successful nominees do not simply accumulate knowledge; they plan to actively apply their learnings to real-world scenarios such as service innovation and clinical research programs, demonstrating their ability to translate theory into impactful practice.
  3. Leadership and mentorship: Awardees not only enhance their own skills but have also shared their knowledge with others in their immediate team and network. They serve as mentors. Awardees will be asked to present the concepts they acquired through the training at a knowledge sharing event.
Application Process
One competition takes place each calendar year. Complete files must be submitted by email to info@ceymh-cesmj.ca no later than 5:00 pm Eastern on the date indicated below. Incomplete requests will not be considered. All eligible entries will be presented to an evaluation panel for consideration.

* Certain conditions apply based on the nature of the training activity.

This opportunity is now closed for the 2023-2024 year. Please check again soon for 2024-2025.