Why psychiatry? The perspective of a medical student
In the midst of CaRMS (Canadian Resident Matching Service) season—what I like to call “introspection season”—one question keeps coming up: Why psychiatry?
Clinical Spotlight: Schnell Garçon
Clinical Spotlight: Schnell Garçon 1. Tell us who you are. I am a mother of two, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend and a nurse manager whose heart lies in supporting family and youth mental health. 2. What brought you to this field? Understanding the meaning of “Mind over Matter” is what brought […]
Mental Health Awareness: A Workshop to Better Support Youth
For over a year now, I have been working for Relance des Loisirs tout 9, a community recreation centre. I have held several positions there, including as a companion for children with special needs and as a day camp counselor.
High risk, high reward? Understanding youth risk-taking
Youth (ages ~12-25) is a period marked by increased risk-taking, a behavior often viewed negatively due to its association with dangerous activities such as substance abuse, unprotected sex, and violence. However, not all risk-taking is harmful.
Clinical Spotlight: Alexandre Veillette
Clinical Spotlight: Alexandre Veillette 1. Tell us who you are. I am a passionate, active person who truly enjoys helping individuals to push their limits and achieve their potential. I enjoy challenges that are the fuel for my self-growth and daily excitement. 2. How has your journey in healthcare led you to where you are […]
Why do we have dedicated services for youth mental health?
Why do we focus so much on youth mental health? And why do youth need their own services? It’s obviously a big deal since Canada recently poured over $500 million of federal funds into establishing the Youth Mental Health Fund with the goal of
Clinical Spotlight: Jessica Mitsou
1. Tell us who you are in one sentence.
I am a persevering, organized, extroverted, cheerful, and sometimes rebellious person who likes to challenge the status quo.
Book Review: Fought Disorder, A True Story of Utter Bollocks
These days, who has time to read a book that has more than a thousand pages? Even with a schedule without too many constraints, it takes a certain courage to …
Book Review: Words With My Father By Lowell Klessig and Lukas Klessig: A tumultuous journey into the mind of an American
Words of My Father, a story co-written by a father and his son, is a fascinating book because it brings its two narrators into dialogue, one of whom is… deceased.
My Journey as a youth with Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
“Excuse me, sorry”… that’s how it all started. I was around six or seven years old in Florida when my parents noticed I would repeatedly say “excuse me sorry” when there was no need for it…